Vehicle tracking services

Service details:

“Masarat” is an advanced cloud electronic service for efficient vehicle fleet management. Masarat is concerned with tracking and monitoring live vehicles, determining their geographical location, following up on vehicle drivers and monitoring their driving behavior, in addition to managing the operation and maintenance of vehicles and following up on the renewal of their documents, as well as providing a specialized service for vehicle rental management integrated with the Tamm service. To issue authorizations electronically and integrate with the Shumos service to feed it with the necessary data, all of the above are served by an indicator panel and analytical reports to support operating efficiency and reduce time and costs. It can also be linked to the Tam service. Also, the Masarat system is compatible with vehicle tracking devices and truck weight sensors authorized by the Transport Authority. Advantages of the Masarat service through the Masarat service can be used on the facility’s vehicle fleet.

شركة بنود السعودية | Vehicle tracking services
شركة بنود السعودية | Vehicle tracking services

Through vehicle rental management paths and issuing the electronic authorization for the renter by linking with the Tam service. Follow the maintenance and operation program for each vehicle accurately, using the Masarat system. The Masarat vehicle tracking system is an application on smart devices to follow up on vehicle rentals and electronic tracking has the ability to positively influence the behavior of drivers and follow them through the Masarat application. Saudi Bnoud Company is a knowledge sales partner for information security and a service provider for many services. E-government such as Masarat service, Muqeem service, Tamm service, and Shomos service

Specifications of tracking devices for Masarat service

  • Advanced European devices with standard specifications and high quality compatible with Masarat service
  • Supports weight sensors and all sensors, and is compatible with the Transport Authority’s specifications for truck weight
  • It is equipped with an internal memory to store data and send it back
  • Excellent ability to withstand environmental and climatic conditions
  • Equipped with an internal battery
شركة بنود السعودية | Vehicle tracking services
شركة بنود السعودية | Vehicle tracking services
شركة بنود السعودية | Vehicle tracking services

Advantages of Masarat service

Fleet tracking

Stopping the vehicle remotely. Displaying the operating status of the vehicle, stopping, not operating. Displaying the fuel level. Direct alerts of any violations View vehicle temperature sensor data, tire pressure, and malfunctions Displaying seat belt and door closing sensor data Live vehicle tracking with vehicle driver information displayed Record vehicle movements, display time, speed, route, and read indicators during the trip Communication with the vehicle driver, emergency key Defining work areas and alerting them if they are exceeded Displaying the vehicle speed and warning in the event of exceeding the speed limit Track the driving behavior of the vehicle driver

Fleet records management

Central vehicle information file Attach copies of documents related to the vehicle Reminder of the application or insurance expiration dates Departments, branches, fleet distributions and personnel A central information file for cadres Data management: ID number, date of birth, and driver’s license number Attach copies of documents related to cadres Reminder of expiration of driving licenses

Operating Administration

Scheduling tasks for drivers and vehicles Trip planning, assignments and deliveries Flexible shift management Project Management Managing and organizing vehicle routes Print operating orders for drivers Condition of vehicles on operating schedules (in maintenance, idle,… Condition of vehicles on operating schedules (in maintenance, idle,… Geographic maps and landmarks for identification on the map Comparing planned and actual itineraries Managing vehicle loading and unloading Dealing with the vehicle as a cost center with expenses and revenues

Maintenance Management

Corrective and preventive maintenance management Plan and schedule maintenance and checklists Manage and track work orders Add external repair shops as part of the repair order workflow Possibility of linking to other systems to receive and complete maintenance orders Track the stopping time of vehicles Read accident data and reckless driving Manage tires, batteries, etc Track workshops, supplier performance and expected repair times Compare planned repair schedules with actual ones

Vehicle rental management

Integrated vehicle record Flexibility in setting rental price plans and promotions Easily transfer vehicles between different facility branches Manage vehicle rental operations from pickup to delivery Issuing/cancelling authorizations by linking with TAMM Feeding the Shomos service with the necessary data with the possibility of re-sending Print the lease contract and clearance Blacklist to ensure negative experiences are not repeated Multiple alerts for expiration dates, such as: expiry of a rental contract, vehicle registration, or insurance Customer evaluation to help make the decision to rent to them again in the future A dashboard of various indicators, reports and statistics An application on smart devices for real-time viewing of rental operations and live indicators and statistics

Tracks service reports

Trip report Report on crossing geographical boundaries A report on the competence of the vehicle driver Report on exceeding speed limits Stop and start times analysis report Report on repair times Daily rental report Statistical reports Fuel consumption report Report on vehicle accidents A report on the number of hours the vehicle is running and parked Report on vehicle maintenance